St. John UCC Arlington



308 N. Evergreen Ave. Arlington Heights, IL 60004

St. John has parking lots on both the south and west sides of the building. There is also street parking on all surrounding streets, and a Village parking garage one block to the southeast of the church with free parking.

Dress is more casual and the congregation wears what they are comfortable wearing.

Please do not feel like you have to contribute to our offering, especially at your first visit. Ushers will pass a plate through the seating areas to collect the offering which supports our ministry and mission. You can also donate online here.

We practice open Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month. All who wish to participate are welcome. You will be instructed on how to proceed forward to a communion station. Gluten-free wafers are provided at one of the stations, along with wine and grape juice. If you choose not to participate, you may remain seated. If you need to remain seated but would like to receive communion, we’ll bring it to you.

Yes! St. John and the wider-UCC is welcoming of all faiths and we celebrate all spiritual and religious traditions. We welcome all and know that diversity is our strength.

People with walking difficulties should use the west entrance. Sign language is available; please let the office know your needs so we can meet them and make you comfortable in worship and fellowship afterwards.

Children are invited to Sunday School for ages 3 through junior high school during the worship service. The children  begin worship with their families then are dismissed, usually after a children’s sermon.  Childcare for children, 2 and under, is available in our nursery, that is located off the lobby near the entrance to Fellowship Hall. We also provide age-appropriate materials for children who want to worship with their parents.

Each Sunday after worship we offer coffee and light refreshments as a way to get to know one another in Fellowship Hall.

If you’re interested in learning more, talk with a greeter, usher, the pastor, or contact our Church Administrator at 847-255-6687 or email