St. John UCC Arlington



We take our faith seriously at St. John and offer many opportunities for spiritual growth and faith formation. From Bible Study to current events, we like to learn and grow in our understanding of God and others.

Women’s Spirituality Group

We will be reading and discussing, “The Practice of Finding: When Gratitude Leads the Way to Enough” by Holly W. Whitcomb. Read chapter 1 for February 22. The book is available in numerous places online, new and used. Questions? Contact Holly Petersen, Martha Ross-Mockaitis or Barabara Blye. The Women’s Spirituality group will continue to meet on Thursdays, February 22, March 7 and March 21 from 6:30-8:30 in Fellowship Hall.

Spiritual Life Committee

The Spiritual Life Committee focuses on three main areas; outreach, called to care, and worship. Outreach typically works on various activities of community outreach such as web site updates, advertising, new member and visitor outreach and other aspects of making St. John known throughout the community. The Care Ministry consists of the Called to Care ministry that provides care to those in need in our congregation. This group has their own participants and serves as part of the committee although other than occasional discussion and coordination, the SLC isn’t actively involved. The Spiritual Life Committee supports Pastor Judy in worship planning from time to time to plan the Sunday and other special services throughout the year. As part of worship, the Committee takes on the tasks of ushers, greeters, and communion servers. In addition, this group ensures that supplies are kept up to date such as coffee supplies in the kitchen as well as the general appearance of the Sanctuary after services.

Tuesday Morning Bible Study

On Tuesday mornings, a group gets together to read through portions of the Bible and talk about life, faith, and everything in between. All are welcome who are free on Tuesday mornings and want to learn a little about the Bible, and most importantly to relate it to real life. Pastor Michael leads Bible Study. Small Group Studies – If you’re interested in a topical small group study, and/or in leading it, let us know! We’ve had small groups in the past led by the pastor and by others. Most recently we did a small group titled “White Privilege: Let’s Talk”, and we’re always open to new ideas about how to get adults growing in their faith through discussion and relationships.

The Stewardship Committee

The Stewardship Committee’s primary focus is on being good stewards of the church’s financial resources. The members of this group have varied backgrounds which facilitates discharging their responsibility to the congregation.

Care & Hospitality Ministries

Do you feel led to support St. John by caring for others, helping out with church functions, and/or outreach to the community? It takes a very special person, who usually is willing to work behind the scenes.
Sometimes it’s nice to meet with friends just to talk, spend time together, and/or do a project. At St. John we have many active social and fellowship groups that are another way for members and friends to create community. Below are some of the groups that meet together.

St. John Book Club

This group of readers meets monthly and is always reading good books and learning and growing together. They welcome all to join them as they discuss books and life.
What’s a church without mission? The core of the Gospel message is about mission in that we go out and serve others. Below are some ways to serve through the mission of the church.

Journeys/The Road Home

This is a local mission that assists the homeless and those at risk. Volunteers are needed at several PADS sites to cook and serve food, interact with clients, and clean up.

Preparing Food for PADS

St. John members and friends prepare food on the second Thursday of each month (October – April) for the homeless shelter at Congregational UCC in Arlington Heights. There is a sign-up to make food for this important outreach in Fellowship Hall.

Mission Team

St. John’s mission team is a group of people who believe that mission is at the core of what it means to be Christian. They find and plan opportunities for mission activities for the whole congregation. Some of their work has included Habitat for Humanity builds, planning “All-Church Mission Projects” throughout the year that are often done in coffee hour, and mission activities for the Soup Suppers during the season of Lent. Anyone is welcome to join the Mission Team! We also participate in Summer PADS, as well.

Faith Community Homes

St. John has several members involved in this important mission that helps families in need. Faith Community Homes provides housing, mentoring, and other support to low-income local families on the road to self-sufficiency. Volunteer opportunities include serving on working committees, planning FCH events, becoming a member of the Board of Directors, training and serving as a mentor to families in the program, office support, and other opportunities as they arise.

Faith in Action Team (FIAT)

FIAT’s purpose is to do the social justice work that God calls us to as Christians and as the church. FIAT is connected to St. John’s membership in the Community Renewal Society, a community organizing organization that has historic ties to the United Church of Christ. Activities include attending CRS meetings and identifying annual priorities, educating the congregation regarding issues, promoting legislative initiatives, and lobbying legislators. All are welcome to be part of this important work of the church!

Sometimes it’s nice to meet with friends just to talk, spend time together, and/or do a project. At St. John we have many active social and fellowship groups that are another way for members and friends to create community. Below are some of the groups that meet together.

St. John Book Club

This group of readers meets monthly and is always reading good books and learning and growing together. They welcome all to join them as they discuss books and life.

Canasta Group

Meets regularly for a fun time.

Potluck Dinners

Everyone brings something for a meal to share – usually with a particular theme.

What’s a church without mission? The core of the Gospel message is about mission in that we go out and serve others. Below are some ways to serve through the mission of the church.

Journeys/The Road Home PADS

This is a local mission that assists the homeless and those at risk. Volunteers are needed at several PADS sites to cook and serve food, interact with clients, and clean up. St. John is a PADS host site two nights each week October through April.

Mission Team

St. John’s mission team is a group of people who believe that mission is at the core of what it means to be Christian. They find and plan opportunities for mission activities for the whole congregation. Some of their work has included Habitat for Humanity builds, planning “All-Church Mission Projects” throughout the year that are often done in coffee hour, and mission activities for the Soup Suppers during the season of Lent. Anyone is welcome to join the Mission Team! We also participate in Summer PADS, as well.

Family Forward

St. John has several members involved in this important mission that helps families move toward financial stability and independence. FamilyForward provides rental assistance, mentoring, and other support services to low income, working families in the northwest suburban area. Volunteer opportunities include serving on working committees, planning FamilyForward events, training and serving as a mentor to families in the program, office support, and other opportunities as they arise.
