In 1902, 12 local men and their families banded together to form St. John Evangelical Church. Two of these families – Frank & Alvina Runge and Fred & Mary Scharringhausen – still have descendants who attend St. John! With 12 members leading the charge, the congregation showed signs of steady growth indicative of the zealous spirit which had become contagious in the community. Many local people who were not members of the Church donated $1, $5, or $10 to assist. Finally, on July 25, it was unanimously decided to build a house of worship. Two lots were purchased for the church and parsonage. On September 28, the cornerstone was laid. The first church building was dedicated in 1903, with the parsonage being erected in 1904. The Rev. Herman Wagner was installed as the first resident pastor. In 1905, a new bell was hung in the church tower and dedicated. Church services were conducted in German until 1917 when World War I broke out. By that time, Sunday school enrollment had increased to 110 children. After 1917, German services were conducted on the first and third Sundays each month, and later once per month, until all were conducted in English by 1935. In 1957, a merger took place with the Congregational Christian Church and the name was officially changed to St. John United Church of Christ. A new Christian Education Building/Fellowship Hall was completed and dedicated in 1959. Our current Sanctuary was completed and dedicated in 1969, with the addition of stained glass windows in 1975. The office, library, and nursery were remodeled in 2002. A capital campaign which ran from 2006-2011, resulted in many needed repairs to the building and grounds and the renovation of our wonderful Fellowship Hall. More recently, 2020- 2023, another capital campaign resulted in improvements to the sanctuary, including air conditioning and replacing the pews with chairs. Major renovations to the gathering area outside of the sanctuary were also a part of this campaign. With such a rich history, we continue to look forward in faith!